
COVID-19 Pandemic has taken a huge toll on businesses, making it vital for all to adapt and improve changes to their website so as to continue the effectiveness of the business even during these trying times. It is important to understand how this pandemic is affecting your audience and accordingly, strategize your website changes to make it easier for the users. Here are some of the things that you should update in your business’ website during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Along with your website home page, make sure you update the website header

When some user is searching for your business on Google, chances are they might get directed to various of your business interior pages and not landing page. Even though your home page might be the page where most of the traffic is seen, a large portion of your audience gets access to information from other pages of the website. So, it is better to first update your overall site header and then the homepage, so that your users know the productive changes on your website during COVID-19.

When updating your homepage, show the audience that you understand the situation they are facing in the pandemic by accessing them easy website navigation. Make sure you update the Homepage Masthead; this can be achieved by: 

1) Using clear and concise necessary content 

2) Use relevant eye-catching images 

3) Use clickable words like ‘Follow the latest updates’ or ‘Explore the latest’ that leads to COVID-19 related content.

Use ‘COVID-19’ or ‘coronavirus’ in the URL slug

Putting such worlds in your website URL will help google to easily group your content under your primary landing page. All the changes and new content that your website puts up related to the virus will have a constant URL, making it easy for the users to click on your website at the same time ensuring tracking of the impact of the changes.

Use various new COVID-19 resources available on the Web

Various resources have become available that include COVID-19 related content which you can easily collaborate with your website to make it more effective and clickable:

1)      Free COVID-19 awareness Icons

2)      Free COID-19 Images

Update your Social media presence (Facebook, Yelp, Instagram, Google My Business, etc.)

If due to the prevailing condition, there have been changes in your office hours or working patterns, make sure you communicate and inform your customers about the same. It is necessary to give them a clear view of the business that they have put their trust into.

Update your website with NON-COVID information too

Although the world is facing a pandemic right now, there will come a day when businesses will resume their normal routine. So, along with making necessary changes to your website from a pandemic perspective, it is important to keep your website updated with the primary business content. Google crawlers are still going to crawl and rank your website based on SEO and important ‘business’ keywords. This is a golden opportunity to easily modify your website for the future, taking your business forward.

Even though people are physically distant from each other, everyone is socially connected with each other through Internet. Keeping your customers and viewers updated with the changes on your website and communicating your business’ functioning from an existing pandemic point-of-view is a must. No matter what kind of business you are, your website is the main linking bridge between you and your customers. Making apt changes to the same will increase the brand-loyalty among the customers, thus enhancing the trust and business profitability even during a pandemic.